Tagbangers Blog


Naming Test Methods

If you're a programmer, at some point you should have faced the struggle of coming up with a good name for your classes, methods, and variables. You should have regretted looking back at your old code, thinking something like "how the hell did I come up with such a lame name?", or "I should've named...

Note about printing out a web page in Chrome

When you try to print out a web page using Chrome, the background of the page would disappear by default.  Usually this is not a bad thing, considering the appearance of the page and the amount of ink that can be saved by erasing the background. But sometimes, you might want to print out the whole t...

Post-Redirect-Get Pattern in Spring MVC

These are examples that implement the Post-Redirect-Get pattern in Spring MVC. Code is also in GitHub. https://github.com/tagbangers/spring-best-practice... Pattern1: Not using the session package practice.post_redirect_get; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframew...